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2 Corinthians, Volume 8

Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $21.59.

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SKU: ASZI838936 Category:

Theologians have not often mined 2 Corinthians for its theological gemstones, but careful reading uncovers significant doctrinal insights. It is not just an occasional letter that battles those inside and outside of the congregation who have belittled Paul for lacking power and glory. He writes as a pastor dousing the flames of dissension, disgruntlement, toxic leadership, and deviant theology.

Therefore, what he says can be meaningful to ministers today who may face the same kinds of problems and seek to live a cruciform ministry. The letter has relevance for the church universal, and Paul’s responses to the various issues are grounded in a well-developed theological substructure. The letter offers profound insights into the Trinity, atonement, reconciliation, being in Christ, cruciform ministry, and the hope of the resurrection.


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